
Welcome to the introduction part of this PMGD. Here I will tell you some important need to know facts that will help you out. The first thing you have to think about is your team, altough there are many game developers out there who work alone you will not be able to accomplish an excellent game by yourself, believe me i’ve tried. The best way to do this is to meet up with developers in IRC get them to send you sample work and use that to decide if you want to hire them. A basic team consits of 1. The Games Designers, They are the heart of the project. These people sit together and brainstorm discuss ideas and finalise what the games story and how the game plays. 2.The Sketcher,The final decision of the games designers finds it way in the sketchers’ hands. The sketchers will draw a scene based on what they think the games designers would want it to look like. For example The games designers want a FPS (first person shooter) with a lighning gun. The sketcher will draw a lightning gun based on the games designers description. 3.The 3D Modeller, All art that you see in the game (assuming its 3D) will be made by the 3D modellers. They will use special software to turn the sketchers’ drawings into 3D models and animations which will be used in the game. 4.The Sound Engineers, These guys will create sounds for the game and edit them in special software to create the desired audio. Thats what a basic team should be like hope this helped..


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